Hello People!!
Welcome to Smokestack Studios our little home away from home.
For those of you that do not know or are lost and have somehow stumbled onto this blog we are a small creative studio of students formed to combine our skills and collaborate on a one and a half minute masterpiece of 3D animated beauty using various
Narrative Theories and a crate of red bull
(I kid you not)...
We are students at the
University of Creative Arts studying for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in CG Arts and Animation
(years 2011-2014) and are currently studying Narrative as our collaboration project. I hope those paragraphs sound intelligent because in my head they sounded pretty correct...
I am David Vandepeer but I prefer
Stitch (don't ask) my collaborative partners are
Anita Gill &
Lydia Caplan and together we are going to demonstrate our ability to function as an independent Animation studio to the masses
(I guess that means everyone who reads this space).
Throughout the next 12 weeks various updates will be displayed on this site showing the progress of our Unit to those who cross this blog. There may be moments of rage, sleep deprivation and/or tom foolery but I encourage you to stick around...
Our personal blogs (the ones that drill into us individually a little more) are located below:
Anyway I think that's a good introduction into us so now I will get into the topic of time management which is what this post is actually about...
I, me, Stitch has been delegated the role of time management
(due to my fussiness) for this I create what I call a task board of custom coloured post it notes that I blitz onto a white board to plan out the work loads on various days of the week
(shown above). Sometimes jobs move or take longer in which case the post it note moves along with it and so until the work is created....
This is just to add some structure to the proceedings but it also allows me to have a little fun figuring out the challenges we are to face with the brief. Once I have the work planned out I can move it to the rest of the group in the form of what I like to call a dead sheet
(deadline sheet) which is usually accompanied by the clients brief...
See below.
Usually with this we have a direction to go in with some margin for error left to save deadline calamities later down the line. As I usually say if a client asks you how long it will take to do a job and you know its seven weeks... you say 8 or 9 because fate can be a cruel mistress...
Anyway that concludes this little post I hope it answers some questions and shows that we are ready for our first collaboration brief. If you like what you see here thanks we appreciate it.
Okay I'm going to get another bull...
Catcha later!